his New Zealand designed web based (on-line / in-the-cloud) Bench-marking and quality management system from Healthcare Compliance Solutionhttp://www.hcslqms.co.nz/s Ltd allows you to:
- Bench-mark in real-time – specific to resident type, event type, date and time of day.
- Have automated default reports to save you time analysing your data trends and patterns
- Drill down into your data easily to identify opportunities for continuous improvement
- Complete your internal audits online and have the corrective actions auto-populate into a corrective action log
- Log and manage adverse events
- Bench-marking of adverse events against other aged care providers
- Support evidencing an active Health & Safety programme is in place
- Log and manage infections – automatic outbreak registers
- Bench-marking of infections against other aged care providers
- Log and manage your complaints with time-frame, investigation and response prompts
- Dashboard view options for level of care and any chosen 3 monthly time-frame review
- Dashboard view option of adverse events or infections
- Logs (event registers) appear with individual events in one colour when open and change to another colour when the event is closed. This allows you to see quickly the status of events.
- Use in conjunction with your current policies / procedures or update to the HCSL site specific created policies and procedures.
Your organisation policies and procedures and related documents (if created by HCSL) are also accessible through the Facility Documents tab on the left of the screen for remote anytime, anywhere access. The keyword search option on the policies and procedures in addition to precise indexing and coding of documents makes it very quick and easy to locate information for staff to reference.
You can also upload your own documents for confidential safe storage.
This is what Rhonda Sherriff, NZACA Clinical Advisor says about using the HCSL QA system:
“I am very happy to endorse your system as the information is invaluable for CNMs to analyse the data/information and make informed decisions on best practice and innovation to decrease hazards, improve outcomes, and mitigating factors for resident welfare. I’m pleased you are delving into the data to the level you are, as it’s time saving for sites in many respects, and so easy to dice and slice the information to get the trends. CNM’s used to spend hours just writing up the collective information before the analysis, so hugely time saving”
To view a brief video explanation of the system click here. This programme has been operating in NZ Aged Care since mid 2016 so now has many thousands of pieces of data to compare yourself against.
To find out more contact us here.

Making monitoring your service remotely in LIVE time easy!